Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Online conversation for Friday's class

In lieu of the fact that we can't meet before Friday, I thought maybe we could email/blog back and forth our thoughts on Elliott's list of things for Friday.

"so things to have for Friday:
[1] ongoing conversation > clarity about what their design entails, what needs to be developed
[2] list of drawings [and maybe some completed drawings?]
[3] clear team agenda for working on Friday
[4] individual working definition of public space [4-5 sentences] - please email this to me before Friday am."

Here are my thoughts:
1. Like I said in my email last week, I think we still need to develop the form our 'mobile things' are going to take, as well as the plug-ins. I think we also need to figure out who would be in charge of carrying out these community centers. If we are thinking about having specific organizations, I have done some research related to organizations that could potentially provide volunteers or resources for fishing or gardening activities.
2. I'm not sure what other drawings we would need besides different variations of the mobile thing and plug-ins.
3. Any ideas about what we should do on Friday? Maybe divide up the drawings and each of us could work on their drawing in class. Dan, if you want to do a drawing not on the computer, let me know because I have lots of colored pencils and markers.
4. Public space is an arena where a variety of persons have the freedom to convene for different reasons and with different uses in mind. Because definitions of use are open-ended, public space allows for groups with different interests to intermingle and then create new uses. Public space does not have to be officially designated open space in order to be public; as long as it is free and accessible to anyone and used by a number of people, it is public space.

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